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Water  tanks
Our water tanks are Rotomolded in PE material, and in one complete  piece. There are several series that you can  choose from depending on your requirement.
dome top CPE SERIES comes with dome top and manhole. This series of tanks are mainly used to storage.

Rotomolded in one piece this is a stable tank for storage and can last for many good years

cgd model CGD SERIES come with loose cover for easy access. The top cover can be totally removed for easy access.

conical tank CONICAL SERIES ( CCT )  is an excellent tank you should  have when you want to have a total drainage.The  conical base allow you to drain  totally.

Fitting of all kind can be added to the tanks and this
allow you for a " total solution ".

dome base DOME BASE SERIES ( CDT ) are tanks that you should consider if you  want to have a full drainage.

This tank can be built with  free standing structure or it can be hang down from the slab thus saving you precious space.


There are alot of fitting you can choose for your tanks. They are welded using fusion and butt PE welding depending on your requirement.


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cpe dimension


cgd dimension